Create-A-Shoe & It's Art! Shoe Gallery


Take those shoes off your feet! Look at them right up close. What do you see? What can you find out?


Part I:
Read the Shoe of Many Parts Fact Sheet that you can find in the Resources tab under Unit 01. Using the Fact Sheet to help you along, draw, write about or create a presentation on what you found out about your shoes. Include your answers to the questions below in your response.

  • What are the parts of your shoe?
  • What kinds of materials do you think it's made of?
  • Where do you think those materials came from?
  • Part II:
    Now it's your turn! Make a shoe from used materials – you can find things to use in the recycling or garbage bin, at home, outside, or in the classroom. Try using cardboard, boxes, plastic bottles, fabric, rubber tires or rope. Be creative—anything might work!
  • What can you turn into a shoe?
  • What is the most important part of a shoe?
  • What do the materials you chose have to be able to do?
  • Part III:
    How did your shoe turn out? When you're done, take a picture of the shoe you made and post it to the "Art Gallery" a) Select Post Image. b) Title your post as follows: COUNTRY / SCHOOL (an abbreviation is fine) / YOUR NAME c) upload the image of your shoe d) describe the materials you used in their shoe, why you chose to use them, and give your shoe a name or title Part IIII:
    While you're in the gallery, take a look at other shoes that students from around the world have made, and talk to your class about what you notice.
  • Did the shoes from students in other countries look very different from yours?
  • What kind of materials did they use?
  • Why did they choose to use those materials?
  • How are the materials they used different from the ones you used?
  • If no other students have yet posted photos of their project, discuss with your class what you imagine shoes made by other students around the world would look like, and what materials they would use. When other classes do post photos, compare the shoes they made to the shoes you imagined.

  • Learning Objectives

    1. Recognize and identify the intricacies of a shoe. 2. Introduce the concept of a shoe as a global product, in terms of its production. 3. Evaluate the importance of certain shoe parts; formulate a design and create a shoe by internalizing this information. 4. Translate abstract materials into a working product. 5. Explore multicultural perspectives on shoe design. 6. Compare materials available in varied countries, and analyse the meaning of choices made in the creation of students' shoes. 7. Introduction to using the TIGed Ride To Learn virtual classroom Art Gallery tool.

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