Hi! My name is...

May 25, 2012 at 5:12 PM by Christina Galego

Hello, everyone!

I'm so excited to welcome you to the Ride To Learn classroom! A big shout out to Ms. Tripp, who's been talking to you about Nic and Kristina's amazing bike ride around the world. Thanks for inviting your students to join us, Ms. Tripp!

And big big-ups to Gabriel, who is joining us from Brazil! Bem-vindo, Gabriel!

As Nic and Kristina adventure on the roads, we'll be exploring with them--learning together about where our everyday stuff comes from, and about some of the people who make it.

But for now, let's get to know each other! Please introduce yourself in the forum!

13 Replies

Christina Galego
May 27, 2012 at 4:18 AM

Hello, everyone! My name is Christina, but around here they call me C to avoid confusing me with Kristina Stoney!

I'm a member of the education team. We, the team, are working on creating learning material based on the adventure Nic and Kristina are having on the road. I'm really excited about learning more with you about the stories behind our everyday things.

(Do you know where your T-shirt was made, or all the steps it took to get to you? Why do you think so many of us don't know about this stuff?)

Here's a little more about me: I live in Toronto, next to beautiful High Park. I sing a lot--almost always to myself, and always for fun. (I dance, too.) I live with my small dog, and usually one or more roommates. I love living things--plants and animals--especially trees. I enjoy exploring new places in and outside the city. I am excited about people who are working towards sustainable development and living.

Nic and Kristina have inspired me to start cycling. I've also started gardening with a new friend of mine!

Feel free to say hello to our online class, everyone--even a short hello would be great! (All participants are welcome to let us know you're here!)


Sunniva Vann
May 31, 2012 at 2:53 PM

Hi guys!

My name is Sunniva, or Sunni, for short. I'm a member of the education team just like C, and I'm working on discovering the sneaky secrets of shoes!

I'm excited to discover where our shoes come from, and find out what you can learn about someone by the shoes they wear. Do you have any ideas? What are your favourite pair of shoes?

It's great to work on this project and live through Kristina and Nic as they have all these crazy adventures. I love to bicycle too, though I don't think I could cycle all the way around the world. But I'll make a pledge, here and now, to make sure I get to try bicycling in every new country I visit!

Besides bicycling I love to make guerilla art (do you know what that is? You should look it up, and try a project of your own sometime! Or I can share some ideas one day!). I also like to grow stuff in my vegetable garden, go to music festivals and live in crazy places around the world. I just got back from living in a tiny town in the Andes in Peru! I didn't open a fridge for three whole months and saw a real live bullfight. Wild!

So – hello everybody, welcome, and I hope you are as excited as me to join us on this adventure.

- Sunni

Rakhat Zholdoshalieva
May 31, 2012 at 3:04 PM

Hello everyone! Welcome Ms.Tripp and the class! We are happy to have you 'here'.

Let me introduce myself. I am Rahat, a member of Education Team, at the moment working with Christina and Sunni. I am from Kyrgyzstan (a Central Asian country) but I am presently in Toronto. I taught at kindergartens and schools, then teachers and now I am a student myself. smile I am excited to be in the team of Ride To Learn project. I believe and work for global citizenship and social justice. I speak Kyrgyz (mother-tongue), Russian and English. But I understand most of the Turkic languages in general. smile

As a woman from a mountain Kyrgyz community, I love mountains, animals, and water. As a child, I used to go to jailoo (mountain summer pasturelands in Kyrgyz) to my grandparents and help them with semi-nomadic pastoralist activities (e.g. milking cows, preparing sour cream, herding sheep). Naturally, I also learnt to farm in our kitchen garden in the valley village, and love to make pickles of all kinds.

I love traveling around the world, so I combine my work with traveling and learning about different communities and places. Such traveling helps me learn how connected and interdependent we are as human beings and how Earth is our common home to appreciate/value.

I am excited to be in this classroom and learn together.



Jun 4, 2012 at 4:00 PM

i agreeee big grin,

Jun 4, 2012 at 4:00 PM

hi sunni. my name is will but i love when it is sunnybig grin i enjoy bycyling too!!!

Jun 4, 2012 at 4:01 PM

will is so cool cool

Chloe Ouellette
Jun 4, 2012 at 4:02 PM

Hello my name is Chloe and I'm in Ms. Tripp's homeform. I was wondering if you guys have ever thought about stopping and just giving up. I really admire what you're because I definitly couldn't do it.

Daniel Schoester
Jun 4, 2012 at 4:04 PM

Hi my name is Daniel and i am in Ms. tripps homeform.

i was born in Mississauga ON, in i also agree that not a lot of people know where their clothes are made from. because the stores that sell them dont ussualy tell where they are made from.


Christina Galego
Jun 7, 2012 at 8:50 AM

Hi, Will! Welcome to the class! smile

Christina Galego
Jun 7, 2012 at 8:51 AM

Looks like there are two of you called Will! Thanks so much for joining us! smile

Christina Galego
Jun 7, 2012 at 8:52 AM

Hi Chloe! Thanks for joining us! I know what you mean. I hope you will be joining us for the video conference today. Nic and Kristina are looking forward to answering your questions!

Christina Galego
Jun 7, 2012 at 8:55 AM

Hi Daniel! Welcome! That's a great point. Very few stores around us are outspoken about where materials are sourced. And labels don't give us the whole story. I hope you'll join us as we dig deeper to learn more.

Eugenia Della Porta
Feb 24, 2017 at 8:41 AM

Hi! This is great!... I have been registered as a student... but I'm a teacher!!! HELPPP!! I want to help my 11th and 12th grade students to go global.

We are located in Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America and we want to become part of this global community... Do I remain registered as this.. or do I have to move to a teacher registration for this classroom?

Thank you!!!

Christina Galego
Mar 19, 2018 at 6:23 PM

Dear Eugenia, 

Please forgive me for the late reply! I'm not working on this project actively at the moment, but I'd like to help if I may. There should be a separate registration for teachers on TIGed's site. Please let me know if you're unable to access it and need further instructions...

