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Latest Announcement


Posted by Kristina Stoney on 1 Sep 2012

Welcome to Ride To Learnan online space where you can follow the cycling expedition - World x Cycle - with students around the world, meet the explorers, and use our activities base to support your learning about the people and places we visit along the way.

First register (takes 5 minutes) at: 

Passcode: WBC/RideToLearn(include capitals and !)


Introduce yourself via our discussion board, meet other youth who are changing the world and collaborate on projects with them!

Kristina and Nic with World x Cycle are, like you, on a learning adventure! They're curious about the stories behind everyday things. They're going to be visiting communities of farmers, manufacturers, and designers to find out more about where and how our T-shirts, shoes, and bikes are made.

But they need your help--both with asking questions and finding solutions.

Ready? Let's go!


Recent Activity